Offshore Legal To Offer Multi-Jurisdiction Asset Protection Packages

Released on: July 1, 2008, 11:55 pm

Press Release Author: Michael Lawrence

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: Panama Offshore Legal is a law firm in the Republic of Panama
providing international clients with; offshore banking, offshore company formation
and asset protection services. Hot on the heels of their successful Panama company
search tool the firm has added two new asset protection packages spanning three
offshore jurisdictions.

Press Release Body: Panama Offshore Legal Law Firm, 1 July 2008 (
Maryland-press-release )

Panama Offshore Legal is a law firm in the Republic of Panama which specializes in
providing asset protection services to select clientele worldwide. These services
include Panama company and foundation formations as well as all associated offshore
banking services needed to set up these structures.

Panama Offshore Legal was the first Panama law firm to provide clients with access
to an online company name search tool which connects and searches the Government of
Panama\'s company registry in real time. Clients no longer need to wait days to find
out if their company name is registered since this search tool is available for free
on the Offshore Legal company website and
can be accessed by any computer with an internet connection worldwide.

On the heels of this successful search tool launch Panama Offshore Legal has been
busy securing partnerships in other offshore jurisdictions for the purposes of
expanding it\'s product database. To that end the company has secured partnerships
in an additional two offshore destinations
to offer clients multi-jurisdiction, layered asset protection structures.

Two new packages have been created that offer both single layered and double layered
asset protection. The single layered asset protection plan includes registration of
a Panama corporation and bank account with trusts set up in two additional
jurisdictions to own the Panama corporation.

The double layered package includes a Panama company owned by a Panama foundation,
Panama bank accounts for each entity with trusts set up in two additional
jurisdictions to own the Panama foundation.

The multi-jurisdiction approach to asset protection provides clients with an early
warning system when their assets are being attacked. Combined with Panama\'s rock
solid banking secrecy laws and ability to
incorporate companies in bearer share form the client will retain total control and
ownership over these entities virtually anonymously.

Clients will have access to banks in Panama with equivalent services that can be
found in typical western banking institutions including; online banking,
international wire transfers, debit cards and multi-currency accounts (USD, Euro).

Penetrating the two trust, foundation owning a corporation structure in addition to
penetrating Panama\'s banking secrecy laws is extremely difficult and expensive for
would be attackers to achieve. In general, Panama courts will only allow href=>banking secrecy laws to be broken in cases of
serious crimes such as international money laundering or terrorism and not for tax
related offenses.

Panama has long been a top choice for offshore
and asset protection. From it\'s base in Panama, Offshore Legal has
expanded across two additional offshore jurisdictions to provide it\'s clients with
the strongest asset protection vehicles available in the world today. For details
about trust locations or the layered asset protection structures please call our
offices in Panama.


Panama Offshore Legal Law Firm
PTY 16119, Urbanizacion Marbella
Calle 47 y Ave. Aquilino de la Guardia
Edif. Ocean Plaza - Planta Baja
Panama City, Republic of Panama
Phone: +(507) 6808-8169
Email -
Web Site -

Web Site:

Contact Details: Panama Offshore Legal Law Firm
PTY 16119, Urbanizacion Marbella
Calle 47 y Ave. Aquilino de la Guardia
Edif. Ocean Plaza - Planta Baja
Panama City, Republic of Panama
Phone: +(507) 6808-8169
Email -
Web Site -

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